“When Angels Speak”–Free 140-page ebook

When Angels SpeakTwenty years ago, I gave myself a life-changing gift, and now I’d like to share it with you.

In search of my purpose in life, I booked a reading with a well-known psychic, Nadira Duran. I learned not only did I have a guardian angel named Dalia, she’d been tapping her foot waiting for me to awaken spiritually.

I had a job to do.

Angel Dalia said my purpose in life was to walk with Spirit and write books for the angels.

You see, while angels can work miracles, they can’t put pen to paper and publish books–that’s a material activity for physical beings.

Over a three-month period, Nadira channeled 18 messages from 13 angels, and I transcribed and compiled them into my first book, When Angels Speak: Messages from the Keepers of The Lion’s Gate.

The Messengers in When Angels Speak are: King Solomon; Mary, the Mother of Jesus; Chadeau, Protector of the Children; Sundar Singh, Ascended Master Teacher; Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel; Isaac, Son of Abraham and Sarah; Carmen, Protector of the Abused; Vyada, Universal Master Teacher; Prophet Muhammad; and Queen Esther.

Some of the topics the angels speak about are: Star Children, The Awakening, How to Heal Yourself and Others, the Prophecies in Revelations, Fear, Depression, Soul Power, Physical Rejuvenation, and Love.

The print version of When Angels Speak is no longer available. Many people who’ve read my other three angel books–Angels and Alchemy, The Angel Diet Cookbook: How To Lose Weight and Gain Enlightenment, and Swedenborg’s Daughter: Memoirs of a Mystic–have lobbied for a reprint.

They want to study and absorb the messages of comfort, joy, and enlightenment delivered by God’s holy emissaries through Nadira and me.

My gift to them–and to all–is an ebook version of When Angels Speak.

No strings attached. Nothing else to buy, or sign up for. No fine print.


Please share the love–tell your Facebook friends, Twitter followers, LinkedIn contacts, and blog readers.

Hope this gift of When Angels Speak will prove as transformational for you as the original channeled messages were for me.

Angel Academy June 2013 Newsletter

Happy Father’s Day
By Donna Wolfe Gatti


I was stunned when my guardian angel, Dalia, said, “It was your choice as to whom you would be born to. You chose your parents.”

Angels don’t lie, so I believed her. And yet, I couldn’t help but wonder why I had chosen Clarence Eugene Wolfe to be my father. Our relationship was formal and distant, and no one ever called me Daddy’s Little Girl – that was my sister’s title. They were two of a kind and practically inseparable, while I was a loner, an odd duck amongst the Wolfes. Read more…

Have We Met?
By Candi Byrne

Do you believe in love at first sight? Instant chemistry?

You’ve come in contact with thousands of people, but very likely, you’ve only experienced insta-love a handful of times.

What is it that causes two people to “click” immediately? You can’t force it to happen…you can’t avoid it happening. It just happens. Read more…

Star Children–Radio Show Replay

As always, it was a pleasure being on The Divine Connector Radio Show with April Reynolds.

We talked about Star Children, in the wake of the shootings in Connecticut. We also chatted about my new book, “Swedenborg’s Daughter: Memoirs of a Mystic,” and I gave Angel Readings to three callers.

Listen to the end for a special offer from Angel Academy.

Webinar–How to Communicate with the Deceased

After my sister Patty died, I just had to find out why.

I went to the authorities–Spiritual Authorities–who set up a hotline to my sister.

Patty gave me the answers I needed to hear.

Is there someone in your life who passed on and left you with questions?
Is there something you’re not doing because you still fear judgement or negativity from a departed parent or spouse?
Do you yearn to know that your deceased child is happy and living in Heaven?

Let me help you get relief.

Join me for a FREE Webinar where I’ll share a simple, three-step formula for communicating with the deceased, so you can get the answers you so desperately need.

During this session, I’ll cover:

  • The surprising ways your departed loved ones may already be communicating with you.
  • How to calm your fears about communicating with the dead.
  • The River of Life, where the deceased attend family reunions.
  • The Escort Angels, who appear before death and accompany the souls going to Heaven.

***Listen to the replay here***

BONUS! Download my gift to you–a FREE  How to Communicate with the Deceased ebook with the equation for success in communicating with the deceased. (file size: 12.5 MB)

A Successful Festival!

The 14th Annual Festival of Light in Berkeley Springs was better than ever! I did Angel Readings for 30 people and autographed lots of copies of my new book, Swedenborg’s Daughter.

Plus, it was SRO at my lecture, which was called: “How to Communicate with Deceased Loved Ones.” Heartfelt thanks to everyone who came to see me. I love you, and the Angels do too!

The lecture was so well received that I’ll be giving an expanded talk as a free Webinar in early December. Make sure you sign up for Angels in Your Inbox (over there on the right) to receive notice of the date.

For now, here is an mp3 recording of my lecture:

In the Land of Angels

It’s a happy day at Angel Academy! Our book, SWEDENBORG’S DAUGHTER: Memoirs of a Mystic, is hot off the press.

Donna Wolfe Gatti’s first mystical experience occurred when she was four years old. A near-death experience accelerated her metaphysical explorations, and since then, she has had a cosmic consciousness experience, and numerous visions and out-of-body experiences.

In this gripping memoir, Gatti describes her evolution from party girl to channeler of hopeful and helpful messages from angels and spirit guides. Gatti, urged by Spirit to share her experiences, messages, and lessons, penned Swedenborg’s Daughter to help others learn how to gain a mastery of life.

Family of Light

Each message from an angel is like a letter from home, our real home, which is in Heaven.

All of us are children of the Creator, members of the Family of Light, and angels are our spiritually mature brothers and sisters. Today and every day, your angels offer you a cup of love, the elixir of life, and food for thought.

We’ve been away from home for a very long time. Some of us have forgotten who we are, where we’re from and why we are here. Angels have come forward to remind us that we are spiritual beings who left Heaven and traveled to Earth to experience life on the material plane. Just as astronauts must don spacesuits, we had to slip into physical bodies in order to explore the physical world.

We are complex beings with physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and soulular bodies. Here at Angel Academy, we strive to care for each of the separate bodies.

Angel Dalia said, “Your physical body, this garment that you wear, is very fragile.”

Physical body parts, including the heart, are easily broken. When bodies suffer blows or succumb to illness, they need help to heal. We believe that love is the healer, laughter is the best medicine, and food is the fuel that makes a body run.

The mental body shelters the emotional body, so it’s essential that we build the mind and make it strong. If the foundation and cornerstones of our mental castle are made of positive thoughts, then we can weather any storm.

Our spiritual bodies thrive on inspiration, imagination and enthusiasm. A happy spirit is like an innocent child at play. When the child develops the skills and powers of a responsible adult, the spirit soars. Our favorite affirmation is: “I am Calm, Cool and Creative.”

Our soulular bodies are indestructible and love this great adventure we call life. The soul’s mantra is: “Have no fear. Everything is all right. Everything has always been all right. Everything will always be all right.”

There are seven billion people on this planet and every single one of us has a host of angels to accompany us on our journey. At times we may feel like souls in exile, stumbling alone in the dark, but we are never alone. Everyone is under the watchful eye of the Creator. And your personal guardian angel is always close at hand, waiting for a chance to help you and make your life better. All you gotta do is call.

Our motto is: “Hire an angel. They need the work.”

Nothing is More Important Than…

When I was involved in a destructive relationship with a cruel man who cheated and lied, I lost the ability to think clearly. His lies left me feeling confused and unsure of myself. Even though he wasn’t good for me, I loved him and couldn’t bear the thought of living without him.

I needed help, so I said a prayer. At the end, I heard the words, “Nothing is more important than your peace of mind.” 

These words played in my mind like a song that gets stuck in your head. After several months of thinking about peace, of what it would be like to live in a peaceful environment, I found the courage to leave him.

After I began to lead a peaceful life, I wrote a book. Peace was the key that opened the door to creativity.  Peace allowed me to find meaning and purpose. Peace is the foundation of the creative process. And as children of the Creator, all of us were born to create. 

The following quote is from Vyada, a Universal Messenger:

“Each human being born upon this planet is given an allotment of time prior to their birth. It is essential that you use your time well, for it is a short period. Even though you incarnate lifetime after lifetime, so much of your time is used at the beginning, in the formation of your life, that very little time is left after you reach maturity.

“Tasks have been placed before you by the Master and you must go about completing your work, not knowing how many days or hours you have left. Do not waste your precious time with the trivialities and distractions of every day living. It is for you to know yourself, to find inner peace, and to make this earth a better place for others before you make your transition to the spiritual realm.”

Good vs. Evil

A client said to me, “Surely you know that there is evil in this world.”

He made this comment after an hour-long reading in which I had talked about the goodness and kindness of angels. I had spoken about my experiences in the World of Spirits, and how no real harm can happen to us. We are magnificent and powerful spiritual beings having a human experience. And as children of the Creator, we are divinely protected. No one ever dies and no one can kill us, because we are spiritual beings. Everything I had said seemed too good to be true, and yet it was the truth.

I have never had a terrifying experience with angels or any other kind of spiritual beings. The only possible exception was when a ghost tried to intimidate me, but I was more irritated than afraid.

It’s important to focus on good and not evil, because our thoughts create our reality. What we think about will happen to us. So if you don’t want to experience evil, don’t think about it.

Archangel Raphael said, “We come forth to admire all the peoples of this Earth. We come to glorify you. Accept this glorification and rise above all altercations from evil that are submitted upon you, for evil has no power unless it is recognized. Cast it aside and laugh at it.”